Based in Chicago, Illinois, The Freelance Beat is a blog exploring the triumphs and challenges that freelance journalists encounter in their early and mid-careers.

Keeping calm, part two

Keeping calm, part two

In the aftermath of the presidential election, it’s clear that regardless of your political leanings we could all use a break. Social media is a hot mess. Casual conversations turn awkward within a matter of minutes. Most of us are unsure of what the future holds.

Even so, I’m a big believer in self-care. And my first list is missing a few things you can do to take care of yourself. If yoga, music and exercise aren’t taking the edge off, here are some tips for self-care.

  1. Get off social media: Between the fake news on Facebook, arguments and a steady stream of news, it’s all a bit too much. Get off your apps. Delete them if you must. It’s okay to be informed, but seeing too much is like seeing nothing—if you’re not able to process all the information. Give yourself a break. You can always come back to it all when you’re ready.

  2. Do a guided meditation: I can’t recommend any specific apps for this, but taking a moment to get back in tune with yourself is important. Try a guided meditation to gather your thoughts. The peace and quiet will allow you to approach the rest of your day with a clear, focused mind.

  3. Organize your space: I haven’t cared about making up my bed until recently. I used to see it as a waste of time because I’d come home and mess it up again. But now that I’m working from home, I have to have my dishes washed and make my bed. I also bought a file cabinet and folder to keep my papers organized. Cleaning up your visual space helps me to clear your mind.

  4. Write it out: I’ve kept a journal on-and-off for years. There’s something about writing in a journal that helps get things off your chest.

  5. Watch a comedy special: Nothing cheers me up faster than watching a great comedy special. At its finest, comedy takes bad experiences and turns them into hilarious anecdotes. Find your favorite comedian/comedienne and laugh your ass off! (I’ve got Pandora stations featuring Louis CK, Patton Oswalt, Katt Williams, Sommore, etc. So if you ever see giggling with my headphones one, chances are that’s why). It’ll quickly take your mind off of negativity, or even better, help you find a bright side.

Hopefully, these tips help you cope with any stress you’re having. How do you de-stress? Leave a comment or email me at

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