Based in Chicago, Illinois, The Freelance Beat is a blog exploring the triumphs and challenges that freelance journalists encounter in their early and mid-careers.

Freelance Goals for 2020

Freelance Goals for 2020

As I type this blog post on Christmas Eve, commercials are blaring on my family’s living room TV in between showings of Harry Potter movies. Motown Christmas songs are coming from the kitchen. This is the time of year when I’m both at peace and quite restless. 

I’m lucky enough to have a family I’m happy to see during the holidays. Since I left for college in 2011, I mostly only return home for the holidays. Christmas is the only time I get to truly immerse in solitude or with my family, because most of the world has checked out, too. 

Contrary to what hustle culture will have you believe, rest is essential to performing your work well long term. In the moments in between conversations with loved ones, I’ve had a few moments to re-center myself. With the bit of time I’ve had to think, there are a few goals I want to achieve in 2020:

Visit home more

Family and friends are important. As important people in my life get older, I know I need to be present more. And beyond that, my loved ones provide me with the motivation and encouragement I need to keep going.

Build relationships with higher-paying clients

If nothing else, the end of the year lists from fellow freelance journalists taught me the true value of my work. Freelancers, including journalists, are absolutely capable of earning nearly six-figures. To start, I'll need to write for more publications that pay at least $1–$2 per word this year as well as commanding higher fees for my content marketing work.

Take language classes

After taking German classes in high school and college, I now basically speak the German of a happy baby. I can maybe order food and understand cardinal directions, but discussing Angela Merkel or other political talking points? Forget it. If I can find the time, I'd also like to start learning Cantonese. Eventually, I'd love to take up translation work.

Take a proper vacation (and more time off in general)

I almost made plans to achieve this in January, but I had a professional opportunity come along that was too good to pass up. So, I'll have to address the school later on in the year when I've had time to say. But I'd love to go somewhere quiet and recharge, perhaps during the summer. I struggle with relaxing and unplugging, so, much like any other skill, it needs to be practiced. If I have my way, more massages and weekend getaways lie ahead.

What are your goals for 2020? Tell me in the comments or email me at And by the way, happy holidays!

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